They're cute, but not the greatest co-workers.
For all you new mommies, taking care of the baby is a big task, and on top of it, the responsibilities of the house also need you. And, for that most of us have to go back to work.
Thinking of leaving your little one alone for hours is a scary thought. So, we moms can work from home and take care of the baby.
But managing all that is challenging.
No mom wants be in that 43%.
It is indeed a difficult goal, yes, I agree. But as we say, "Nothing is impossible, and especially for moms". Hahahaha...
So, keep faith, we all can manage this- Work and Baby!
The most strength is needed in times when things don't work out as we plan...
There will be times you might mess up, things might not work out, but…
Don’t get disheartened. I am here for you.
Let’s look at some tips to manage your work and take care of the toddler and make you a SUPERWOMAN.
1. Wake up early
The earlier you wake up, the more daytime you have. Yes, it’s that simple. Try to wake and plan your day. Plan your meals. And all other chores. Finish all of it before your baby is up and running.
You can prepare all the meals in the morning and then have the rest of the day to focus on work and the baby.
And in all this, don’t forget to steal some self-care moments, you deserve it!
2. Work while your child sleeps
Take advantage of your children’s naps to tackle the most pressing tasks.
If your children have a fairly predictable sleep routine, you may be able to knock off important work phone calls or focus intensely on a project when they are likely to be snoozing.
That's your happy hour!

Working before they wake up or after they go to sleep is another good idea, especially if your job allows this kind of flexibility.
3. Remove distractions
Don't check your phone for all those Instagram notifications...I know, it is tempting.
Maybe allot some time of your day to that, like breaks in between work.
There are apps you can use that block your access to social media during work hours, for example. It might also help to schedule half an hour each day for chores so that you’re not constantly wanting to get up and put things away.
4. Learn to say "No"
You do not have to over-work to prove that you are capable of working efficiently even with a baby on board. Do not put that pressure on yourself and don’t let your superiors at work tell you otherwise.
The same goes for the baby, you don’t have to do activities, all play-dates.
Skip some and say no.
5. Don't chase perfection
When it comes to balancing, some of us aspire for perfection.
But, being a mom is enough, and being a working mom, more than enough.
Don’t tire yourself achieving perfection in everything. Your life has changed now, don’t compare your work life to what it was before the baby.
Just relax and try to do your best. And remember again, nothing is perfect.