Complete Baby Teething Guide: Signs to watch out for and Relief measures

baby with cradle plus pacifier baby feder

Just when you thought the difficult newborn stages were over and your sleep deprived self can finally get a break, the baby teething period starts.

This period is not fun, for you the mum and definitely not fun for the teething baby either., but with good preparation, understanding the time, signs to watch out for, and good relief measures, it can be made better.

Preparing for Teething

Most babies sprout their first tooth any time between 4 and 6 months, with some starting as early as 3months and others as late as 15months. No matter when your little chomper gets his/her first tooth, remember all babies are different and are on different timelines. It is okay to check the gums occasionally to see if the signs of teething are there, recognizing this signs would help in identifying the cause of crankiness that occurs in some babies while teething.

Understanding the times

The central incisors (the front teeth) are pretty thin so its easier to cut through  the gum, so they are the first to appear. The 2 lower ones appear first, followed by the upper ones. A couple months after this first set of teeth appear, both the lower and upper lateral incisors join the train. and from there the remaining teeth star joining usually in pairs until around about 2years of age.

Signs to watch out for

In the periods leading to the peaking of the first tooth, there are some signs you can see to let you know your baby is gearing up for the big reveal. Once again you should remember all babies are different, and as such not all of them will show all (or any) of these signs.

  • Increased Drooling :  The infancy period and salivation goes hand in hand, so this sign alone may not mean teething, but when there is an obvious increase in saliva, and combined with other signs, then you are safe to assume teething is the culprit.

  • Increased need to chew: This may be due to the pressure that the baby is feeling under the gums and the unconscious need to apply counter pressure, or it could just be the feeling of a strange sensation in the mouth, whatever the true reason, teething babies find great relief in chewing, especially cold things. The cradle plus Pacifier fruit feeder is a perfect choice to provide the much needed relief. click here to buy                          
  • Fussiness and ear pulling: Babies are unable to communicate the source of the their discomfort and will usually just be fussy especially at night. Some of them can be seen pulling on their ears as the discomfort can sometimes travel to their tiny ear canals.                                                                                             
  • Appetite Change: your once voracious eater could suddenly stop being such a great eater or your once nit picker could suddenly put on an appetite. This is believed to be because some children find relief with the food in their mouth, while others find it irritating to their sore gums.

Relief Measures

When the crankiness and fussiness hit, we all wish we can kiss it away, or at the very least reduce it with some loving hugs, while baby will appreciate some more cuddling this period, the following are a number of teething remedies you could try.

  • Good Old Massage: Applying counter pressure by rubbing against the gums with you clean finger will do wonders if the teeth is still deep in the gum. if the Teeth is higher up, this would not work as the gum would be inflamed and painful.
  • Wet Wash Cloth: since baby has the increased need to chew, gnawing a wet soft cloth like a wash cloth would work wonders on those little gums especially if cold.
  • Good Teething Toy: The Cradle plus Pacifier fruit feeder is perfect for teething this discomfort. You can put some fruit cold or frozen fruit in it for baby to chew on, providing relief in 2 ways counter pressure to sore gums and a source of distraction. Don't forget the added benefit of the nutritious food baby is getting. Buy one here

  • Distraction: After all is said and done, baby will benefit from anything to take her mind of the discomfort, at least for a little bit, a new toy, a new activity, or extra cuddle time with mummy will work wonders.
  • Pain Medicine: As much as I do not like recommending pain medicine for infants, sometimes you really have no choice. some over the counter teething relief could work or some infant Tylenol, just remember to talk to your pediatrician first and stay within the recommended guidelines.

The teething period lasts till baby is about 2 years old, but after the first teeth erupts, babies gets use to it and the others are not so bad.

Let me know in the comment if you found these tips helpful, or if you have any other remedy to recommend.

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