6 Amazing Tips to Discipline Your Toddler

“Oh, my daughter won’t stop combing my hair, and I guess I am half-bald now”.

“That’s not half-bad, yesterday my kid broke the TV”.

“Ouch, you win.”


That’s what moms discuss, just a regular conversation about their kids being undisciplined. 

If they don’t seem to listen, let’s change our ways. Change our words and how we say them.

In this blog, I will share 6 tips to discipline your child and honestly, get something better to talk about when you are at a party next time.

1. Don’t just say it, show it 

Why do people say that children are the reflection of their parents?

Because, it’s true. 

What they see is what they do. Simple. So, next time mommies, when you are angry at someone, don’t scream when your kid can see you.

I know, I know… you are thinking, why am I asking you to bottle up your emotions.

But I am just asking you to show it at the right time, send your kids to their room and then maybe.

I know all this can be difficult and stressful, but try relaxing.

A child’s mind is sensitive, ready to learn and get influenced. And I know you agree with me when I say, “We don’t want our kids to learn about anger the first thing.”

If they see you angry all the time, that’s what they will do, and then the endless tantrums will begin. 

So, be good role models. You are your kids' superheroes.

2. You be consistent, your kid will follow

This is a challenging one, but the fruits are sweet.

Make a routine. Try to keep to the same schedule every day. Get into mom mode. Maybe wearing this might help. 

Yes, I mean having consistent nap times, mealtimes, and bedtimes as well as times when your toddler is free to just run around and have fun.

Pediatricians believe, "When there's some predictability and routine, it makes children feel much more safe and secure, and they tend to be much more behaved and calm because they know what to expect."

Regularity and order give young children a safe haven from what they view as an overwhelming and unpredictable world.

Consistency is also important when it comes to discipline. When you say "no hitting" the first time your child hits another child on the playground, you also need to say "no hitting" the second, third, and fourth time your child does it.

3. A little appreciation goes a long way 

You know how much you like getting appreciated, even for the smallest of things. The same is with your growing toddlers. They too love getting acknowledged for those right things they do.

So, don’t take small things for granted. 

Thank them if they pass you the water bottle, next time they will thank you for making them breakfast. And see, momma and baby, both are happy.

 “Children need lots of attention; that’s our job as parents. Be careful to give attention to appropriate behaviour,” 

Moreover, children do things to please you. It might not look like that, but you are their whole world. What you think about them, matters to them. 

Remember, as a kid, when your mom or dad would appreciate the other kid, didn’t you feel jealous?

Yes, exactly. We have all been there. 

SO, next time remember to compliment your child. It will not only make them respect you and listen to you more, but also boost their self-esteem.

4. Listen to them 

Kids feel better when they know they have been heard, so whenever possible, repeat your child's concerns. When your child screams and whines, it is difficult to keep calm. Maybe try wearing a cool mom shirt, that might make you feel calm.

If your girl is whining in the grocery store because you won't let her open the cookies, try saying something like: "I know you're mad at me because I won't let you open the cookies until we get home. I'm sorry baby, but the store won't let us open things until they're paid for. That's the rule”. 

I am sure this will reduce her anger and calm her a little. She knows you care and you’re not just being a ‘bad mommy who doesn’t let her baby eat cookies’. 

Yes, if you scream back, that’s what you will be called. Hahaha...

5. Teach empathy

Discipling your child does not mean they do what you say. It means to teach them to be better individuals when they grow up. And for that empathy is a must needed skill. 

It's rarely obvious to a 3-year-old why they should stop doing something they find fun, like biting, hitting, or grabbing toys from other children. Teach them empathy instead: "When you bite or hit people, it hurts them"; "When you grab toys away from other kids, they feel sad because they still want to play with those toys." 

This way you are helping your child see that their behavior directly affects other people and trains them to think about consequences first.

6. Let them choose

Nobody likes to be bossed around. There, I said it. 

As parents, we often forget this. We like to believe that we have all the control. 


Sorry to break that bubble. 

But, we have to give up control. 

Disciplining is not about controlling the kid.

Rather, if you make the child feel like he has an option, he has a say, he sure will listen to you. And yes, it’s high time we agree that they do have a say. 

So, whenever possible, give your child some control by offering a set of choices. Rather than commanding them to clean up their room, ask, "Which would you like to pick up first, your books or your blocks?" 

Be sure the choices are limited, specific, and acceptable to you, however. This was you both have shared control and everyone is happy.

And when your child is well-behaved and disciplined, wear these amazing T-shirts from Cradle plus and flaunt your successful momahood. 

You believe you couldn’t, but you did it!

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