Every parent wants the best for his or her children. We want to raise our kids right and be there for them. While we can’t instill in kids every skill imaginable, there are some essential life skills all parents should teach their kids. I’m not just talking about how to ride a bike, play a musical instrument or drive a stick shift.
As a mother, you are the most important teacher and mentor for your children. so, you have the responsibility of teaching your children essential life skills that will help your child better cope in the world and grow into a respectful and valuable member of society.
The more you read and learn, the more you open your mind to a wide range of possibilities and know all sorts of things that make you smarter and wiser. Children should also know learning does not involve reading textbooks only. There are many ways to learn. Encourage your children to be open-minded and receptive to learning from life situations (both positive and negative), other people who are good role models, as well as their parents.
Most of our children are going to leap into the world and find their place among work and family. They will need to understand how to use their downtime, how to recharge their batteries so that they feel balanced and happy in life. Breathing, yoga, walking in nature, having a hobby—these are important and will carry children well beyond their youth into maturely-adjusted old age.
Learning to embrace alone time is a skill everyone can benefit from. Mothers need to teach their kids to learn to love the time they take by themselves and to trust the wisdom that comes from within when we take that time. Teaching kids to take quiet time each day so that they learn to enjoy being by themselves and to become their own best friend is a best practice.
While many parents try to teach their kids to be tough, being empathetic is every bit as essential for their wellbeing—if not more so.
"It's important for parents to respect the natural empathy of their children and to nurture and develop it," says special educator Donna Garfinkel. Encourage your child to build empathy by teaching them to help others. Participating in initiatives like toy drives and food pantries can help cultivate empathy.
There's a major difference between truly listening to someone and just waiting for your turn to speak—and the sooner parents can teach their kids the former, the better.
So, how does one go about honing this skill?
Reading to them, watching a movie together, or telling stories can help develop listening skills. Ask questions about stories and ask them to support their responses with material/information from the story.
Unfortunately, the answer to that question on the playground isn't always going to be a resounding "yes." Whether they didn't get the promotion they'd hoped for, the person they asked out on a date turned them down, or they didn't win the talent show, it's important that kids know how to lose gracefully.
It’s easy for kids to get discouraged when things don’t go their way. Help them learn resilience when they experience setbacks by showing them the importance of staying positive.
According to research, children as well as adults can benefit from positive thinking and good relationships.
Help your kids develop healthy self-esteem and a positive mindset by teaching them they are lovable, capable, and unique, no matter what challenges they encounter.
A little gratitude goes a long way in life, and teaching your kids to be truly grateful to those who have been kind to them will serve them well over the years. You can start this practice at a young age by having them write thank-you notes for birthday presents, and make sure they continue doing the same as they age, like sending thank-you emails after job interviews.
Saying "I love you" isn't the only way to express your love for someone, nor is it a phrase that should only be used in romantic contexts. Caring for others, doing things for them, and saying those three little words to platonic friends can help kids feel emotionally fulfilled in childhood and beyond.
Showing unexpected kindness is not only a sweet thing to do, but also the easiest way to touch a life. Encourage kids to show kindness and lend a helping hand whenever they can. It will help them develop compassion and will help them understand the difference between wants and needs in life.
Knowing this you have to be more mindful about your actions and think about the good habits you want your little ones to carry in their everyday lives.